The integration of interactive 3D models on the Intershop platform


Competition in e-commerce is growing every day. After the 2020 COVID crisis, every retailer has begun considering and eventually implementing e-commerce options on their websites. It is crucial to stay ahead of the competition in every aspect, and virtual commerce technology definitely helps.

Why use 3D models?

Being able to view products from every angle, rotate them, and zoom in/out gives customers a sense of in-person shopping. 3D modeling and visualization of products increase engagement and conversion rates. Today, it is possible to recreate everything in 3D graphic models.

Customers can „feel“ the product and get a realistic representation. This is one of the main reasons why return rates are decreasing. Whether customers are trying out furniture or new glasses, the gap between online and offline shopping experiences is almost completely bridged. With these features, customers spend more time on the website and have more confidence when making a purchase.

What are the technical preconditions for implentation?

Of course, having a good infrastructure for 3D models is essential. The e-commerce platform must be robust and scalable to integrate such solutions.

This is where the Intershop platform fits in perfectly. The integration of Binkies 3D or other technology is seamless. All models that are available online are easy manipulated from both mobile and desktop views.

Here’s how it’s done:

Step 1: Integrate the 3D model and product information into the product pages.

Step 2: Optimize the 3D models for a smooth UX.

Step 3: Design that works on different web browsers and devices.

OptimIT can support you with the integration of Binkies 3D. We have already done it, as you can see on the example below.

From the customer’s perspective, it’s always best to have a stable connection. However, the Binkies 3D models are a lot lighter than a number of high-resolution pictures. They are also typically integrated in such a way that on slower connections, the 3D requires a click/tap to start loading. In any case, with 5G connections available almost anywhere, it works great for practically everybody.


In summary, 3D in e-commerce is a logical development in a world where artificial inteligence is becoming ubiquitous. Beside 3D models, there is also the possibility of integrating AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) enviroments and scenarios.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you wish to learn more about it.